
The kingdom of Golgotha is divided into five counties, each with three baronies. Golgotha was once a rich land: green and forested with healthy soil and clean air, but in the past several centuries, it has been on the decline. A sense of decay permeates the atmosphere here, and undead wander the night, having nowhere else to go. But for the presence of a few minor deities, the plane itself would long ago have died.

Carroll Starbright Kentlake

Places to Go

Golgotha : County Amber
Golgotha : County Amber : Kentlake Barony
Golgotha : County Amber : Kentlake Barony : Ashbury-on-Kentlake
Golgotha : County Amber : Kentlake Barony : Kentlake Mnemostic
Golgotha : County Amber : Kentlake Barony : North Glassridge
Golgotha : County Amber : Kentlake Barony : Outreach
Golgotha : County Amber : Kentlake Barony : Southbury

Golgotha : County Amber : Set Barony (Orange Barony)
Golgotha : County Amber : Set Barony : Lanfordshire

Golgotha : County Amber : Daedheraedd'gen Barony (Wide Water Barony)

Golgotha : County Carroll
Golgotha : County Carroll : Teela'haashu Barony (Forestdweller Barony)

Golgotha : County Carroll : Kaambhuidh Barony (Foxglove Barony)
Golgotha : County Carroll : Kaambhuidh Barony : Fenham

Golgotha : County Carroll : Shaid Juhuidheesh'dduis Barony (Seafoam Barony)

Golgotha : County Corwen'haashu (County of Ravenswood)
Golgotha : County Corwen'haashu : Barony of Midian

Golgotha : County Corwen'haashu : Deadtree Barony
Golgotha : County Corwen'haashu : Deadtree Barony : Left Bostwick

Golgotha : County Corwen'haashu : Starbright Barony

Golgotha : County Ludhi (County of Plumgrove)
Golgotha : County Ludhi : Khushou'raidd Barony (Broken Barony)
Golgotha : County Ludhi : Fij Khouh Barony (Blue Tower Barony)

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