Nothing to see here...still werkin' on stuff.

  • You wanted the character sheet? We got it.
  • The Golgothan year at a glance. Years are noted by the current king and the zodiacal animal.
  • Ladles and Jellyspoons! Toys and Churls! After a long hiatus, the Ostia dev team will actually be posting (gasp!) new content! Look for our Neverwinter Nights module, coming soon!

Creatures of Golgotha

Comments? Talk to Moghendhim.
Ostia world setting is ©groundLine industries. Dungeons & Dragons is © Wizards of the Coast. Neverwinter Nights is © Bioware (correct me if I'm wrong). Site design by Rayek and Moghendhim. Swipe our stuff and the +5 Mace of Arsebeating and I will have to pay you a visit.