Elf Weapons Master (Lawful Neutral)




Myrkabah is a rather abrasive character, especially for being an elf. He is one of the most highly trained types of warriors in elven society; the weapons master.  He is exceptional at unarmored combat, wielding light armament. He is about 5'10", but is very slight, weighing only about 135 pounds. Anyone who watches him move notes a grace about his movements, and a peculiar shimmering of the light around him...

Myrkabah is a highly trained swordsman, and his speed and intelligence are far above the norm, even for the elven race.  His level of training, however, has had one bad effect on him. Myrkabah will take any chance he can get, against anything except suicidal odds, to test his abilities. Many times the older elven weapons masters have scolded him for his "human-like" rashness in combat, but to no avail. He still rushes in, blades first, and somehow manages to survive.

Lately, Myrkabah has been seen in the company of a strange bandaged man, whom Myrkabah seems strangely protective over... Some speculate that the elf is in the employ of this bandaged one as a bodyguard, but Myrkabah has yet to have commented on his new companion...
Comments? Talk to Moghendhim.
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