Atva of Kentlake
Halfling Monk (Lawful Neutral)

Atva of Kentlake is a remarkably well aged halfling mnemosyne. Although he is past his prime, his skill in the art of somatic memoriam is unmatched in any mnemostic in the Barony of Kentlake. His somatic works have left him well muscled and tanned, and gifted with a jolly, earthy temperament.

Atva is one of very few living mnemosynai to have personally met Kafziel. The Shinnam appeared to him and his young cantor, Daria, while the two were practicing the somatic memoriam. Kafziel proclaimed to have been roused from his contemplations by a tide of memory resulting from the pair's well tuned working, and had desired to pay a visit to the mnemosynai to thank them. The Shinnam gifted both practitioners with long life and freedom from the weight of age until their deaths, as they performed their works so well that he wished more generations to have the benefit of their skill.

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