The first point that I need to make is that Ostia is not a MUSH in the traditional sense of the word. You cannot simply log in and adventure by yourself. Ostia is a tabletop roleplaying game for a bunch of people who can never seem to be in the same place at the same time, but are usually somewhere near a computer. We chose TinyMUSH as our interface because Moghendhim understands it well enough to set it up and admin it with minimal need to look things up, and it provides a fairly cozy and easy to use environment for most of our players. Now, let me begin at the beginning...

Joining the Game
In order to join the main Ostia crew, we must insist that you consult with one of our DMs first. This isn't to keep people out, it's just so that we have a copy of your character, and an understanding of what you want out of the game. We also have to make sure that your character is at an appropriate level for whatever adventures we may be on. Right now, we have two full parties playing on Monday and Wednesday evenings, so, we're not accepting any more players. However, if you're interested in running a game in the Game Table, drop us a line.
Getting in
So, you've filed with us, and we're expecting you, so you click on 'Log In' on the main page...Now what? Well, let's say your character is named Ophandir, so at the opening screen, you would type: connect Ophandir ******. The create function is disabled; the Dev Team has to create your login. If you get confused, there's a handy little reference on the login screen.
The Game Table
Welcome to Ostia! You have entered a world wherein the line between the game and the table are blurred; you may reach for your dice and come away with a frosty tankard of Shadmyrsol's finest ale.

Ahead of you lies a lit tavern; from within you hear the sounds of revelry and dice. "Come in, come in!" cries the black-skinned bard, "For it's warm and dry in here, and the night is blustery and damp!"

You enter...

These words introduce you to the GameTable Tavern, where Ostia's current adventurers meet to game and tell stories. But, you don't know how to interact with anyting, so you're wandering around like a ghost, hoping someone will tell you something useful...
You want to...
So you type...
And people see... (p=one person, y=you)
"hello, people!
Ophandir says, "hello, people!"
:grins wickedly.
: 's eyes gleam.
Ophandir grins wickedly.
Ophandir's eyes gleam.
get ale from the wench
give wench=10
[y] You give 10 copper pieces to the tavern wench.
[y] The wench winks and sets a frothy tankard of ale in front of you.
look at Dahak
look dahak
[y] This large, deadly, hunting bird is wearing a small metal tag, which reads 'Dahak'.
roll 2 six sided dice
roll 2d6
Ophandir rolls 2d6 for 7.
whisper to Myrkabah
whisp Myrkabah=what's my dex?
[p] Ophandir whispers to you, "what's my dex?"
see the time time [y]Mon Feb 23 13:37:02 2004
speak out of character +ooc Nyow? OOC: Ophandir says, "Nyow?"
learn to pronounce Moghendhim's name +pronounce Moghendhim [y]Moghendhim's name is pronounced:
set your description @desc me=Ophandir is tall for a halfling. [y]Description set.
set your pronounciation &pronounce me =
read the bulletin board (you want to do this every once in a while) bb readall [y]-------------------------------------------
Key: README! Poster: Moghendhim Time: Mon Jan 19 23:38:00 2004
Ok, this, obviously, is the bulletin board. This is mostly a really easy way to leave messages for other players. Start a flame war, and you die. Is just that simple.
post to the bulletin board bb post Thingy!=this is just a test. [y]Posted: Thingy!

Getting Out
To leave the game, just type: quit.
Comments? Talk to Moghendhim.
Ostia world setting is ©groundLine industries. Dungeons & Dragons is © Wizards of the Coast. Neverwinter Nights is © Bioware (correct me if I'm wrong). Site design by Rayek and Moghendhim. Swipe our stuff and the +5 Mace of Arsebeating and I will have to pay you a visit.