This Is Not A Cannoli Submitted by: Thoth | Date Added: 29 May 2022


<ul><li><font class="content">0.5 pounds Cheese (Neufchatel)</font></li><li><font class="content">0.25 cups Heavy Cream</font></li><li><font class="content">0.25 cups Sugar (powdered)</font></li><li><font class="content">1 tablespoon Lime Juice</font></li><li><font class="content">0.25 cups Chocolate (Semisweet)</font></li></ul>

Cooking Instructions

<p><font class="content">
<p>The measurements are probably wrong. I eyeballed this whole thing. Approach with some caution, or it's gonna be runny as fuck.</p>
<p>1. Leave cheese in food processor until it softens. Spin alone, until evenly distributed.<br>
2. Add cream 1T at a time. Spin more. If it starts feeling loose, stop adding cream.<br>
3. Add sugar and lime. You guessed it, spin until smooth and even.
Tipping the food processor back and forth while it's running may help.<br>
4. Add chocolate chips. Spin and tilt until chips become bits. This may involve scraping down the sides a couple times.</p>
<p>Serve as a dip for sweet breads, cookies, or cakes.