Summer Harvest Salad Submitted by: Thoth | Date Added: 30 May 2022


<ul><li>1c bulgur wheat</li><li>1c boiling water</li><li>1 cucumber, diced</li><li>½ red onion, minced</li><li>2 medium tomatoes</li><li>2c italian parsley, chopped</li><li>1/2c fresh mint, sliced thin</li><li>1/2c
manzanilla olives, sliced (honestly, if you can *get* salt and lemon
preserved olives, go with those, but you probably can’t, so spanish
olives it is)</li><li>1c lemon juice</li><li>2/3c olive oil</li><li>1tsp salt</li><li>1tsp fennel, crushed</li></ul>

Cooking Instructions

the bulgur and the water in a bowl and leave them for an hour. If any
water remains, drain it and squeeze the bulgur in a tight cheesecloth to
get it as dry as possible.</p><p>Chop the herbs and veg and mix them
in, until it’s all approximately evenly distributed. Briskly mix lemon
juice, olive oil, salt, and fennel to make dressing. Put dressing and
salad in the fridge overnight, and pour dressing over the top just
before serving.</p></blockquote>