Experimental Flatbread Submitted by: Thoth | Date Added: 30 May 2022


<ul><li>3c flour</li><li>1tsp baking powder</li><li>1tsp salt</li><li>1tsp garlic powder</li><li>1T minced garlic</li><li>however much milk powder makes one cup if you mix it (this depends on the brand)</li><li>3/4c orange juice</li><li>2T oil (I used sesame, but olive or orange oil would do well)</li><li>6T sour cream</li></ul>

Cooking Instructions

<p>Mix all the dry ingredients in a giant bowl (including the garlic), then
make a dent in the middle and add the less-dry ingredients. Fold that
over a few times and then knead it for a minute or two until you’ve got a
sticky dough. Cover it with a rag and go watch a show. When you come
back, heat up the griddle or a frying pan to about 190C/375F. If your
griddle is like mine, it’ll have a suggested temperature that’s set
apart from the rest, at about 150C. That is <i>not hot enough</i>, as I
found out the hard way. Now, tear your dough into eight roughly equal
parts. I recommend halving it until it’s right. The order of the next
part is important: first roll out one ball of dough on a hella floured
surface – you’re aiming for like… tortilla thin. Then grease the
pan/griddle. I don’t care if you have a nonstick. Grease it. It ain’t
gonna cook right without, as I also found out the hard way. Now put the
rolled out dough on the grease spot and cook it for 2-3 minutes. Either
paint the uncooked side with oil or lift the bread with a spatula to
grease under it, when you flip it. Cook the other side for the same
amount of time. You <i>should</i> have a dense flatbread that is lightly
yellowed from the grease and has brown spots on it. That’s what you’re
aiming for. Keep doing that until you run out of dough. Tada, you have
garlic bread.</p>