Tomato-Bread Soup Submitted by: Thoth | Date Added: 30 May 2022


<ul><li>1c tomato sauce (the chunkier the better)</li><li>1L water</li><li>~¼ c olives</li><li>1T olive oil</li><li>3 slices of cheap bread, diced</li><li>½ medium onion, diced</li></ul>

Cooking Instructions

<p>Put the onion and oil in a microwave-save bowl. Cover and nuke for
1-2 minutes. Add tomato sauce and water. Stir until you have a greasy
red liquid. Add olives and bread. Microwave, covered, for 3-4m. If
cheese is available, consider putting some on top, when serving.</p>And
you’re probably looking at me like I’m kidding, right now, but I eat
kind of a lot of this. It’s relatively inexpensive – aside from the
olive oil, but it tastes just as good with melted margarine, even if it
does taste different – and it’s quick. Some tomato sauces lend
themselves better to being used as soup base, but that’ll vary with your
taste. If you melt the cheese into it, it’s effectively tomato soup and
grilled cheese, but as a stew. *laughs*