Vegetarian Yorkshire Pudding Submitted by: Thoth | Date Added: 30 May 2022


<ul><li>2c flour</li><li>1.5T baking powder</li><li>1.75c milk</li><li>0.5tsp white pepper</li><li>dash of salt<br></li><li>8T shortening</li></ul>

Cooking Instructions

<p>Put everything but the shortening in the blender and blend until
smooth. Stick it in the fridge for an hour. Put 1T shortening into each
of 8 cups on a muffin pan. Heat the oven to 220C/425F and put the pan in
it for ~10 minutes, until the shortening is melted. If you can hear it
bubbling, you’re good to go. Pour the batter into the cups, filling them
~¾ of the way up. Bake for ~25 minutes, until the tops are browned.</p><p>I
think I shorted myself on the shortening in a couple, because they
stuck to the pan. *laughs* But, hey, first try. They do taste pretty
awesome, though. I might put in a little more pepper, next time, but I
am generally pleased.</p>Also, cut back on the baking powder, if
you’re using a self-rising flour. I use all-purpose, so everything I
make has an asston of baking powder.