Garden Rotini Salad in Creamy Chicken Dressing Submitted by: Thoth | Date Added: 30 May 2022


<ul><li>3/4c pasta, uncooked</li><li>½ medium tomato, diced</li><li>3 mushrooms, diced</li><li>¼ large onion, diced</li><li>2-3 stems italian parsley, sliced</li><li>1 packet artificial chicken seasoning (ramen packets are the best for this)</li><li>~3/4c plain yogurt</li><li>water to cook the pasta in</li></ul>

Cooking Instructions

<p>Cook the pasta. (I microwave it in the bowl it’s served in for ~10m with
about 2c water.) Drain the pasta, but leave a little bit of water in
the bottom. Mix the chicken flavour into the water. Add the yogurt and
stir until more or less smooth. Toss in veg and stir some more. Tada.
Food. Serve hot or refrigerate for later.<br></p>